Terms of Use

All visitors who use this website and its services agree to abide by the terms and conditions detailed below. We encourage you to read the terms completely and understand them before using our services.


All the information contained in this website including text, images, videos, design belong to Boost My App. Users are not allowed to copy, distribute or otherwise use our copyrighted content for commercial purposes. Doing so will invite appropriate legal action.

Rights to Completed Work

Once we have delivered your order, all the rights to the contents of the order belong exclusively to you. This may include text, images, icons, videos or audio. Boost My App does not exercise any rights to the materials presented.


When you order a service package from Boost My App, we give you an estimated time of completion. This time is not binding on us. Completion of the order may take less than the estimated time or more. It depends on various factors and it is not an exact science. Your order is considered completed once we have sent the email intimating you about the same. Once we have sent you the order, the customer has 3 working days to respond. If there is no response within this time period, the order is considered “complete”.

File Integrity

We encourage our customers to scan the content of the email that we send and also the website. Boost My App does not take any responsibility for any loss experienced by the user as a result of using the website or services.

Rights to Completed Word

We request our customers to use civil language in communications including email and phone. You may not post rude, violent, illegal, sexually explicit or otherwise adult oriented content on the website, whether it is through comments on the website or through email. Posting inappropriate content may get your account terminated permanently.

Boost My App may change the contents of the terms of use at any time without prior notice. However, we will notify you in case of changes to this page. We encourage you to check this page from time to time in order to keep abreast of any changes we make.

If you have any further doubt about these terms of service or if you need more information, please feel free to contact our customer support.

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